These are loans that can be paid within the shortest period. An individual who gets a such loan can revolve when a need arises. Micro or Short Terms loans range from E2000 – E24 000 over a period from 1 month to 24 months. These loans are generally paid through source deductions and bank stop orders and are not limited to the following; funeral, medical and educational. Short term loans are granted according to the National Credit Act (NCA) to individuals that can afford the monthly instalments in ensuring that there is no reckless lending.
Requirements for Short loans
- Proof of employment
- Valid Eswatini bar coded ID
- Valid Eswatini bar coded ID
- Three months bank statement with three consecutive salaries reflecting.
- Copy of latest payslip
Salary payments must be done electronically. Cellphone Transfers, ATM Deposits, Cash Deposits are not accepted Proof of residence